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Custom Designed Business Solution

Key Benefits:

bulletPuts the order entry function into the hands of the customer, where it can provide the most useful information.
bulletSaves time and money for our client through fewer inquiries to customer support.
bulletProvides a reliable front-end to existing print production systems.
bulletGenerates return business and inspires customer loyalty through the benefits provided by PICA.
bulletEngineered with state-of-the-art software development tools and object oriented programming techniques.


    Our client, an automobile finance company, needed a way to reduce the time and effort of completing the mounds of paperwork required to collect and process information on the credit-worthiness of potential car buyers.


    SRI created a custom-designed solution, using Microsoft Access with integrated faxing capabilities, to greatly speed up the loan application and approval process.



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Copyright © 2003 Software Resources, Inc.
Last modified: 01/04/05